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Pollution and toxic substances in indoor ambients



Ozone (O3)

Poisoning unstable gas which has a penetrating odour, Ozone is produced by electrical engine equiments and by UV rays polluted air exposures.
It rapidly decays in oxygen but even small amounts can cause eyes, nose and throat irritations and difficulties to the breathing apparatus. Try to reduce using electrical equipment especially in bedrooms.

Radon (Rn)

Colourless, odourless, non-reactive gas. Radon is eight times heavier than air therefore it stagnates in indoor ambients. It is produced by the decay of uranium, thorium, and radium which already exists in nature. All particles produced by this gas can cause the death of cells or worse than that their damage which lead to cancerous phenomenon.
Its presence is highly concentrated in geological areas, and it can be found in houses within the presence of certain builder materials, natural gas, water and dusts. If you need information about the concentration of Radon, you better contact the Health and Social Security authorities. Any doubt can be sorted out by doing a particular measuring surveyed by an environment expert.
In case you found radioactivity , be sure to seal cracks and try to improve outward ventilation.

Burning gas

Carbonic monoxide

Dangerous poisoning gas, colourless and odourless, Carbonic Monoxide is produced by partial combustion of gas by the smoke of wood, coal, tobacco cars emissions. CO bins with haemoglobin in blood reducing the capability to bring oxygen to tissues., and causes headaches, nausea and vertigo.
Keep every equipment in perfect conditions, assuring outward ventilation. Try to replace gas boilers with a sealed firebox.

Oxide and monoxide nitrogen(NO-NO2)

Toxic gasses with a strong smell, they’re produced by partial combustion of gas. In association with sulphur, they can cause acid rains and together with HIGH GAS they cause photochemical pollution.They cause inflammations to the breathing apparatus and to mucous membranes. Concentrated and long-term exposure can cause obstructing processes to bronchi till lung oedema.
The cautions are he same explained in carbonic monoxide.

Sulphur dioxide(SO2)

Stinging gas which lies in the smoke of coal and wood, produced by heating equipments which use kerosene, oil and some natural gasses. It’s responsible for urban pollution, and it’s one of the causes of acid rain. It’s rarely present in high and consequently dangerous quantities, but it can worsen breathing difficulties. 

Carbonic dioxide(CO2)

Colour less and odourless gas. It’s produced by the combustion of gas cylinders usually adopted in heating equipments. It’s responsible for stuffy air in rooms scarcely ventilated. Prolonged exposures to Sulphur Dioxide can damage central nervous system slowing down reactions.

Flying organic compounds


Binding and preserving substance which has a penetrating odour. In ambient temperature it releases toxic steams which pollute air. It’s widely used as a binder and glue for wood and plastic materials, as a fixer for paper product, carpets and clothes. We can find trace of it even in disinfectant, deodorants, detergents and cosmetics. You can find it in the sub-products of equipments for cooking and heating and tobacco smoke. L’ISFU, usually adopted in the mid ‘70es, it’s particularly dangerous.
Formaldehyde is an highly irritating agent for the skin, eyes, nose, throat and it produces headaches, vertigo, nausea, and breathing difficulties. It could cause also epistaxis. Prolonged exposures can lead to depression and excessive sensitivity to chemical substances. In order to limit its presence , it should be appropriate to verify the components of the building materials, detergent products and maintenance stuff.
You should prefer solid wooden furniture finished with natural products to others. If you have to buy wood-shaving panels certified E1(low content of formaldehyde). Prefer natural tissues for furnishings. Detergents and domestic maintenance should be stored in closed spaces fare from food storage. 

Organic compounds of chlorine

They are composed by hydrocarbon and chlorine, which form the basis of many chemical synthetic substances. They can be found in detergents, deodorants and polishing products. They are the most toxic and persistent compounds. They include PCB, which is cancerous. the chloride of polyvinyl (PVC) which is a plastic materials which can contaminate food, chloroform and chlorammine which are both highly toxic gas. The chlorammine get free when bleach and ammonia based detergents get together. Other danger compounds are: soluble ammonia, turpentine, moth-balls, liquid bleach, aromatic hydrocarbons in general, aldehyde, terpene, alkaline.
Their stinging vapours are really dangerous for skin, eyes and lungs, and they can cause headaches, nausea or damages to the nervous central system. They can cause cancer. The precautions to be adopted are the same suggested to formaldehyde. If it's not possible to check the composition of the detergents used, try too avoid them, using instead natural camphor.


Phenols (or phenol acid) are polluting caustic substances which may be found in disinfectants, plastic materials, tobacco smoke, insecticides, weed-killers, fungus-killers, resins and pesticida.

They can cause irritation to skin and mucous membranes which might degenerate into cancerous forms. 

Pay attention to some building materials such as wood because they are treated with insecticide and fungus-killers. The exotic woods are the most dangerous.

All precautions are the same used for formaldehyde. To wash carefully fruit and vegetable using food bicarbonate could be a very wise habit.



It's a dangerous mineral fibre existing in nature which is extracted by magnesium silicate. As it is composed by impalpable micro-fibres, they remain suspended in air before falling to the ground. Its use is forbidden by the EEC since 1993. Asbestos fibres get absorbed by mucous membranes, and they produce inflammation which can bring to cancerous phenomenon. Therefore it's necessary to verify building materials and eventual removal or decontamination must be left to a specialised private institution.

Building mineral fibres

They're obtained by processing silicate and they appear like flexible fibres that can be woven. We can find them in commerce as loose wool, felt, panels, etc, generally adopted as audio-thermal insulating materials. They are less dangerous than Asbestos, but in the long run, they produce more or less the same effects. There's no regulation concerning their use but it's absolutely necessary to avoid using freely these materials; it's better to seal them in apposite wrappers.

Atmospheric motes

These are formed by mineral, vegetal animal fragments combined with combustion residues, pollens, moulds, acarus, bacteria, and virus. All these elements can cause allergies or inflammations to the breathing apparatus, skin and mucous membranes(for example rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, conjunctivitis) and infective syndrome ( for example cold, flu, lung inflammations and exanthematous diseases. Moulds, acarus, and bacteria usually born in humid places and where there are dust and biological residues. It's therefore recommended to use transpirant building materials (which do not retain humidity) and natural fibres ( which do not accumulate dust). It's better to reduce the presence of dust-absorbing furnishings such as curtains, carpets, moquettes, and open bookcases.
In case you have got an air-condition equipment you better be sure to do periodical checks of the dehumidifying box. Obviously the first rule is to keep every place clean and ventilated.

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